ETL Certificate :(ETL NO. 4002107)
-Communication Cable, Standard UL-444, Type CM, CMG, CMR, CMX (60°C, 75°C), Model Nos. CMX, CM, CMG, CMR

-Communication Cable, Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 214, Type CM, CMG, CMR, CMX (60°C, 75°C), Model Nos. CMX, CM, CMG, CMR

-Power-Limited Circuit Cable60° and 75°, Standard UL-13, Model Nos. CL2X, CL2, CL2R, CL3X, CL3, CL3R

-Community-Antenna Television Cables 60°C and 75°C, Standard UL-1655,Model Nos. CATV, CATVR, CATVX

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